Promotion of Silvopastoral Systems for Livestock Intensification and Climate Resiliency

A BLPA Project

In October 2023, BLPA secured funding through the UNDP Project Innovative Small Grants Aggregator Platform for the implementation of a project entitled “Promotion of Silvopastoral Systems for Livestock Intensification and Climate Resiliency.”

The grant aimed to build the capacity of cattle producers in four specific communities. The goal was to enable them to adopt silvopastoral systems that would enhance productivity and resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Participating farmers were registered members of BLPA and residents within the project’s impact area. The topics covered during the Farmer Field Schools included pasture management, Voisin rotational grazing, silvopastoral systems, and the forage and legumes specific to Belize.

The participants for the Farmers Field School were from Stann Creek and Toledo Districts.

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