BAHA and UNDP Conference

EnGenDER Project

UNDP’s Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean (EnGenDER) Project. A project funded by the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom. The EnGenDER Project seeks to ensure equal access to climate change adaptation solutions for women, children, and other vulnerable groups in the Caribbean.

The EnGenDER Belize Country Programme directly responds to national priorities of resilience and sustainability as articulated in the Government’s Plan Belize manifesto, and since elaborated within the country’s medium and long-term development vision for the creation of an inclusive, resilient and sustainable Belize. EnGenDER’s 2022 work programme supports the climate proofing of rural agricultural livelihoods, the connectivity of indigenous peoples to microgrid networks within the context of “Energy for Development”, the provision of remote community access to safe, potable water and through the Offer of Complementary Funding (OCF), EnGenDER is helping Belize to leverage additional climate financing from international organisations like the Green Climate Fund in order to address issues of shoreline erosion and instability in coastal communities including Hopkins, Dangriga, Monkey River and Barranco.

As Belize continues to recover from the precipitated economic and social effects of the COVID-19 crisis, and understands that the global climate change crisis remains, it is important that Belize invests in climate action which secures recovery investments and sustains a people-centric and green recovery process.

BLPA Benefits from the EnGenDER project.

On July, 1st, 2022, Mr., Jeffrey Reimer, Chairman of the BLPA board signed an MoU with the National Climate Change Office (NCCO) for the implementation of a component under the project– “Enabling Gender-Responsive Disaster Recovery, Climate and Environmental Resilience in the Caribbean” – EnGenDER. Monies received from his funding will be used to establish an outreach program at BLPA.  This outreach program will include a model farm at BLPA to showcase silvopastoral systems and other technologies that can be used for climate change mitigation.  The model farm will also be used as a training program that will include farmer field schools (FFS) in selected communities from three districts targeting both men and women in livestock production. This project is part of BLPA strategic objective to enhance productivity, resilience at the same time creating a “green’ industry.

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