Cattle Branding

Branding means permanently impressing cattle with a unique mark by using a branding iron.

Brands may include any letter or combination of letters in conjunction with a number.

The word “cattle” includes any bull, cow, heifer, ox, steer, calf or any horse, marge, gelding, colt or filly or any mule or ass.

As per the cattle Branding Act, chapter 207 of the Laws of Belize:
  1. In order to show ownership in the event of theft or loss, brands must be registered. Until proven differently, it is considered the primary method in a court of law for establishing cattle ownership.


  1. Failure to renew brands within a 10-year period is considered abandonment of the brand upon which brands become available for the general public to apply therefore, depriving the original owner from any legal claim.


  1. On the death of a person who owns a brand, his next of kin shall within 30 days give notice in writing of such death and must present a death certificate and testament/will if any.


  1. The owner of any cattle shall brand all animals including young ones within 12 months of birth or 30 days after becoming the new owner.


  1. No cattle which has been previously branded must be rebranded as to obliterate such brand. It must be branded separately and with a distinct/unique brand.


  1. It is prohibited to slaughter any cattle without a brand or with an uncured brand. A cured brand is one that is completely healed.


  1. A brand is considered delinquent if not registered and approved at the Belize Livestock Producers’ Association (BLPA).

Under the Current law, a brand is considered delinquent if not registered, recorded and approved at the Belize Livestock Producers’ Association (BLPA).


Brand registration can be done via our Authorized Local Agents (ALA’s) or at our main office located in Belmopan.

Applicants must provide:
  • A valid passport or Identification card
  • Brand design that he/she wishes to use
  • Time period for which the brand is being applied for (amount of years)
  • Brand registration fee


Farmers will be notified when their card is ready, and they can either pick it up at the office or we can send it with our ALA’s. When receiving the brand card that is considered the final approval and can proceed to brand your animals. 


Registration fee:
$10 per year (a maximum of 10 years is allowed)

Replacement for lost or damaged card: $10

Banking Info:

Name of Bank: Belize Bank Limited
Branch Location: Belmopan
Account Name: BLPA
Account Number: 645 117424010120001

Brand Registrations for the years 2022 and 2023

Graph 1 shows the comparison of the total amount of brand registration done by district during the period 2022 and 2023. For both years the majority of new registrations occurred in Orange Walk and Cayo districts respectively, with the least taking place in Stann Creek district. In total there were 43 renewals and 103 new registrations accounted for in 2023.

The below image A shows the characteristics of an official brand registration card from the Belize Livestock Producers’ Association and image B shows the position on the animal where the official brand marks must be.