BLPA Model Farm

A BLPA Project

BLPA Model Farm:

The BLPA Model Farm was designed taking into consideration the Voisin rotational grazing system. By employing this system, farmers can enhance their stocking capacity and improve livestock productivity.

The model farm spans 35 acres, divided into 56 paddocks, each approximately 0.6 acres in size. Electric fencing was chosen for the divisions, as it is more economical than regular barbed wire and posts. Presently, the farm is home to 35 heifers and 1 bull. Animals follow a daily, planned sequence of movement. This rotational approach allows pastures to recover and regrow before being grazed again, promoting healthier pastures.

The farm consists of four social areas with strategically located water troughs to encourage even grazing and prevent overgrazing around water sources.

Also, for farmers who believe that a lot of land is needed to fatten only a few cattle, there is a small model farm on 1.5 acres that demonstrates the opposite. This area is divided into 22 small sections and accommodates 8 animals rotating daily.

We encourage farmers to adopt the Voisin system, as it leads to sustainable and efficient livestock production, benefiting both the environment and the economic viability of the farm.

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BLPA Model Farm