Belize Livestock Producers' Association
Safeguarding farmers' interest in the livestock industry

BLPA will encourage a green livestock industry by promoting agroforestry and agro-silvo-pastoral system, will offer transformational technical services aimed at improving access to high value markets.
BLPA will safeguard farmers interest in the livestock industry through representation and lobbying at all levels.
BLPA will be the leading advocate for developing a green livestock industry in Belize, the premier lobbyist for the best interest of livestock development, and be go-to organization for services to all livestock farmers in areas of technical services and market access.

Become a member
The BLPA encourages all stakeholders of the local livestock industry to become an active member of the Association

Register a cattle brand
Learn how to register and protect your brand. Once brands are recorded with BLPA, they become the personal property of the owner.

Belize Livestock Registry
The BLR uses different tools to accurately record and retrieve data, enabling us to create reports that track an animal’s journey from birth to death, as well as its locations.
Representing over...
National Herd
Cattle Producers